
The ReFrame Course is about seeing the whole of life through the lens of the Gospel. Regent College (Vancouver, BC) has made this film-based, small-group resource freely accessible to all, with a desire to equip the church. ReFrame walks participants through the biblical story from creation to new creation, and invites them to imagine where their lives connect to God’s mission of restoration. Throughout the ten episodes, small groups will encounter accessible teaching from top theologians, real-life examples of Christians connecting their faith to their work, homes, and communities, and questions and exercises designed to engage the material.
On the journey, participants will meet a lawyer seeking to practice justice in a flawed system, a business entrepreneur seeking to alleviate poverty and care for the environment, a community activist, and a stay-at-home-mom wrestling with the often mundane realities of life. ReFrame invites groups and individuals to encounter Christ in their own story, and to join him in his mission of renewing all things: people, nations, cities, sectors, neighbourhoods, and communities. 
ReFrame is available with subtitles in 6 languages, and is being used in over 50 countries around the globe. You can download the study guides and find tips for leading a small group at

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