Everyday Violence

Others, Poverty

How do we confront the greatest oppressor of the poor? Millennium goals have made a focal point of ending poverty, both at home and abroad, but no one’s talking about violence. We live in an age in which an estimated 27 million people are held as slaves, and 600,000 to 800,000 children, women, and men are being trafficked across international borders every year. Gary Haugen, president and CEO of International Justice Mission and author of The Locust Effect, talks about the significance of taking justice seriously if we truly want to see an end to poverty.

Gary Haugen serves as President and CEO of International Justice Mission. IJM is a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. IJM lawyers, investigators and aftercare professionals work with local governments to ensure victim rescue, to prosecute perpetrators and to strengthen the community and civic factors that promote functioning public justice systems.

Originally published on Q Ideas in response to the question: What are your expectations for the future of the poor?