Fatima’s Story: Finding Food Security in Mozambique

Creation, Agriculture , Stories

Contributed by: World Renew

World Renew walks alongside communities with the goal of empowering people to be sustainably self-sufficient. For Fatima Antonio and her family in Mozambique, these programs include sustainable agriculture trainings and Village Savings and Loans (VSL) groups.

Fatima’s mother, Stella, has participated in conservation agriculture trainings since 2015. Since then, she has started planting maize and cassava, expanded from one plot to three, and changed her planting method for a larger yield. Her success in farming has equipped her to teach others and share her excess so that others in the community can start their own plots.

For Fatima, the VSL groups in her community have helped her to save money for the things that she and her family need. She has been saving for a little over a year and has already saved enough for a bicycle, which dramatically improves her transportation time. She is now planning to save up for iron sheets to repair the roof of her home.

Through education and access to resources, people like Fatima can take their future into their own hands, and World Renew is committed to ensuring that the people we walk with have a voice and are heard. They can have a hope for the future. A hope for their family and for their community.