Keep in Step

God, Devotional , Theology

Contributed by: Connecting Streams

Written by Donna Mitchell for The Life

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”– GALATIANS 5:24,25

Easter is coming. Christ followers around the globe will be filled with profound gratitude as we remember the sacrifice of Christ, his crucifixion, death, and resurrection! We can’t miss the correlation to crucifixion in this passage. Paul says that those who belong to Christ have “crucified” the sinful nature. Obviously, our actual flesh is not to be crucified, but rather the “me” inside that wants my own way. To “crucify the flesh” means to no longer obey the flesh as if it is in charge but to actually consider ourselves dead to the obvious desires and acts of the sinful nature as outlined in Galatians 5:19-21. If you read the description, you find no self-control or regard for others. Unbridled flesh has no boundaries.Thank God that, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we can be free from the control and power of our sinful nature. Living by the Spirit will bring life, peace, and fruitfulness expressed in emotional wellbeing, healthy relationships with others, and the power to say no to self.

Although it seems time passes quickly and seasons come and go, life is lived incrementally every day. It can be compared to a long walk. Paul encourages all of us to keep in step with the Spirit moment by moment as we walk through life. Let God lead. Do what he wants. Keep in fellowship with him and you will walk into more and more freedom!

Lord, thank you for willingly giving yourself to be crucified on our behalf. Thank you that, because of your death and resurrection, we can be set free from obeying our own flesh and walk step by step in freedom, allowing the Spirit to lead and empower us. Continue to walk us into an even deeper experience of freedom from self, and increase our love for you and others. Amen.

Go Deeper — As you walk today, think about how you are “walking in the Spirit.” Can others tell by your stride? What occupies your mind the most as you stroll?


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