Jenna’s Story

Self, Addictions , Employment , Homelessness , Stories

Contributed by: Union Gospel Mission

“I was homeless in a camp outside Squamish. I didn’t know what was coming… I was just scared for my life, that nothing would get better. There was no hope inside me…

“It didn’t start like this. I had an amazing family, a great life…I could have started training for the Olympics for skiing. But after my parents split, we moved to Whistler. I didn’t lose interest [in skiing]; we just couldn’t afford it anymore. I started slipping, started drinking…I ended up not being able to hold a job, I couldn’t pay for anything…”

“I eventually got into detox… and had an appointment with Barb from The Sanctuary at UGM. She was like, ‘we help out people who have no place to go, we’d love to have you.’ I got into The Sanctuary and there was a journal for me, some pajamas, and my own room. I was so happy, I cried the whole first day I got there. Everyone [at The Sanctuary] told me, ‘we’re going to help you now. You’re safe here.’

Jenna was once homeless living in the woods outside Squamish. But because of amazing supporters like you, there was a place of safety and stability waiting for her at UGM. Desperate for change, Jenna entered UGM’s Sanctuary for single women and mothers with newborn babies.

Thanks to caring donors, today she thrives! She is pursuing her passion for culinary arts as a banquet chef. She bought a car and is about to buy a house of her own.

“I don’t know where I’d be if it wasn’t for UGM. I still have those little moments where I tear up a bit because I’m amazed. I thought my time was up… but now I have an incredible job. Every little step, you get something back. That’s the gift of recovery. My life is pretty awesome now.”