Dear Jesus-follower: The world needs your hope in 2021
4 ways to cling to hope after a year like 2020 [ read more ]
4 ways to cling to hope after a year like 2020 [ read more ]
The year was 1998. Two women entered a local Canadian prison with a simple goal: love those inside the jail’s walls. [ read more ]
She tried to break up with her boyfriend before, but could never make it stick. [ read more ]
William spent most of his life in a struggle with alcohol and drug addictions. But Crossroads' Great Truths of the Bible course and the letters... [ read more ]
With 1 in 5 Canadians experiencing a mental health problem in any given year(1) and pastors and leaders estimating that up to 70% of their pastoral ca [ read more ]
Recently I spent five days by my father’s bedside in a major hospital. He had three roommates, each patient separated by a sallow yellow curtain. It’s [ read more ]
At our core, we need one another; we need connection. The Mustard Seed seeks to help those experiencing poverty and isolation to connect and find hope [ read more ]