Step Up Construction
This video highlights the positive impact of providing jobs to youth through Step Up Construction, a social enterprise in Winnipeg's North End. [ read more ]
This video highlights the positive impact of providing jobs to youth through Step Up Construction, a social enterprise in Winnipeg's North End. [ read more ]
Journey With Care is a podcast for curious Canadians looking for inspiring stories & honest conversations about faith and caring for their communities [ read more ]
Video that describes CareImpact. [ read more ]
Inner Hope was created to provide a place of belonging and growth for youth and their families. [ read more ]
There are a growing number of families, individuals and seniors that are dependent on the Food Bank as their main source of groceries. [ read more ]
The Gathering Markit bridges the gap between the food bank which offers a hand out and a regular grocery store that is unaffordable for many. [ read more ]
How can we fight against destructive formative practices that would keep us stuck in stories of change that aren’t true and don’t work? [ read more ]
Because every one of us is suffering from brokenness in our foundational relationships, all of us need “poverty alleviation,” just in different ways. [ read more ]
The village leaders say that the problem of disease and lack of clean water are now history in their villages. [ read more ]
When your church decides to start a new outreach in your neighborhood or community, it’s easy to think, "We know what to do." [ read more ]
Here is a list of a few things I’ve learned as a newbie in this dynamic organization. [ read more ]
On August 14 last year, southwest Haiti was struck hard by a 7.2 earthquake, and thousands were left homeless and injured [ read more ]