Canada’s Most Decorated Olympian and World Champion: Why I Give to Thrive

Creation, Food , Health

Contributed by: Thrive for Good

My name is Penny Oleksiak. 

Most people know me as Canada’s most decorated Olympian and World Champion swimmer. But, those close to me know how much I care about problems in the world and making a difference. I want to share with you how I first came to hear about Thrive and why I believe so strongly in what they do. 

When I was first introduced to Thrive for Good, my heart almost stopped. Hearing that two billion people around the world aren’t getting enough healthy, nutritious food to properly function and live without illness was a revelation. 

I don’t know about you, but I hate being sick and not being able to do life – daily tasks, running errands, meeting up with friends, etc. 

A huge part of my success in the Olympics is because I have had the opportunity to feed my body the nutrients it needs. I have access to healthy, nutritious foods that help me to perform and reach my full potential in life. If I didn’t have this, I wouldn’t be able to train and would be prone to injuries and sicknesses, holding me back from reaching my goals. 

Read this again, there are millions of people around the world that are living on less than one (unhealthy) meal per day. How are they supposed to function? 

I am reaching out to you today because I know that Thrive has the solution for these communities in need. Thrive is helping fight malnutrition and hidden hunger through establishing Life Gardens. 

But they can’t do it without us. 

That’s why I hope you will join me in making a donation so that Thrive will have the funds to help more communities and families to grow their own nutritious, disease-fighting whole foods sustainably. 

You can click the link below to make your donation now.