Resist Being Consumed by Fear

God, Theology

Contributed by: P2C Digital Strategies

God’s Word gives us a beautiful promise that encourages us when our burdens feel overwhelming: “The Lord will perfect that which concerns you” (Psalm 138:8).

That’s God part in our trust journey. He will fulfill His good purposes in our lives.

Yet we also have a part to play. While we wait for the Lord to work in the situation we have released to Him, our journey of trusting Him continues. It’s in the waiting that faith grows. But it’s also in the waiting that our fears can grow. Trusting God is a choice we make daily.

Once we release our worries to the Lord and feel His incredible peace, we may find ourselves surprised by an onslaught of thoughts that stir fear — and then our newfound peace fades away. This is normal. And God has not left us defenseless.

I love that the Bible says, “He remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14). In other words, God understands how difficult this journey of trust can be for us and how frail we can feel in the midst of it. He instructs us and teaches us while we walk with Him. God warns us of an enemy of our souls who will try to flush fear to the surface of our minds and hearts in order to override our faith. Faith and fear cannot occupy the same space: one always overrides the other. God equips us for that battle.

“Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

When we find fear nibbling at our hearts and minds, we need to take action. We can’t wait until it devours us. When something is robbing us of peace and “eating away” at us, let’s remind ourselves that “The devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Recognize it and follow God’s instruction: “Come near to God and He will come near to you” (James 4:8).

So how do we come near to God when something is robbing our peace? We need to actively take our thoughts captive.

“We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5b

That simply means paying attention to the thoughts that parade across our minds. When thoughts of fear begin to overwhelm us, we can ask God to help us recognize them for what they are and to resist the pull toward darkness. Take those fear-thoughts captive and drag them over to the truth of God’s Word that promises:

“The Lord will perfect that which concerns you.” Psalm 138:8

When we release our worry to God, we stop trying to control the outcome and trust Him to work it out.

When we resist the thoughts of fear that threaten to override our trust, we put our hands on the tool God gives us to recognize the battle of our minds. As we confidently take a stand to bring our thoughts into alignment with God’s truths, our faith will grow and peace will return.

Lord God, thank You that I can release my concerns to You. Today when fearful thoughts steal my peace in trusting You, help me to resist them by acknowledging them and exposing them to the truth of Your Word. You will perfect Your purposes for me. You are my strength and my Provider. You are my Rock and my Fortress. You are my Wisdom and my Deliverer. Thank You that I can turn from fear-filled thoughts and dwell on faith-filled thoughts that remind me of all You are as I trust You. I thank You and I pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.

Do you want to talk with a mentor? Please refer to the original article here to connect with a mentor.

Written by Gail Rodgers
Used with Permission. Originally published on