Sarah’s Story

Self, Stories

Contributed by: Crossroads Prison Ministries

When I was brought to prison over a year ago, I had lost my husband and everything I held dear to me — including my freedom. I had no faith in anyone or anything, let alone a God who had allowed me a life filled with trauma and suffering. I no longer wanted to even live, so I was put on suicide watch. They made me wear a suicide gown, and put me in a cold cell.

The next day, the reverend brought me my first Bible. The key to freedom. It was the only book I was allowed to have.

I started reading Genesis and read it to its end. The reverend visited me again and brought me some Bible studies that I’d requested.

When you complete these studies, you earn your own Bible. I knew that my husband had worked on those very studies and earned his Bible two years before, while he was incarcerated. Not long after that, he was shot and killed in front of me.

I miss him so much. He had been my reason to live. Doing these Bible studies gave me a connection to his spirit, and helped me start to grieve.

In turn, I started my journey of faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Through Him, I found the will to live again, a way to grieve, find peace, hope, and finally some joy in a world without my best friend and husband.

With the help and support of the reverend, as well as many Bible study courses, I was able to grow in my faith. I asked Jesus into my heart and life, then was baptized and reborn through water and the Holy Spirit here in prison.

Through Crossroads, I was able to grow in my knowledge and faith in Christ. Doing these courses and receiving encouragement through letters from my mentors truly got me through some of the darkest, most painful moments in my life. During moments when Satan was whispering doubt into my ear, I was able to find truth and safety with Christ — thanks to the knowledge I gained from prison ministries like Crossroads and their dedicated mentors.

I am finally getting a house arrest hearing later this year, and living in a treatment centre for at least six months. I plan to continue my Bible studies throughout this time.

Sarah’s name has been changed to protect her privacy. Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash.