How to Care Without Carrying

Others, Calling , Health

Contributed by: Connecting Streams

We all know that God moves when we pray.

You know one of the wonderful things that I love when I mentor the WEAC (Women’s Emergency Accommodation Centre)  team fairly regularly and what I really love about it is that we start in prayer and we finish in prayer. And I know that all of you pray and it’s really important to debrief after a team meeting because one of my volunteers in long-term care came to me and she said, “You know it’s really hard for me to come here and the more I come and the more I see people that are so tragically afflicted,” she said, “I just want to cry. It’s really getting hard for my heart because I am feeling the weight of all of this.”

And I said, “Thank you so much for sharing that.”

I said, “I feel the same way when I see people, but there’s action to alleviate. So you respond with Jesus and then when you leave here you don’t carry it with you. You leave it with Jesus.”

And that’s what closing prayer does. And that’s what debriefing does. Because we don’t know on teams how much…

We were never meant to carry the troubles of the people we minister to, and with, home with us to weigh us down.

So just making sure that, ourselves, that we are not carrying the sadness or the frustrations or the pain of other people. We’re not meant to.

I look at myself as more like, I’m not a sponge. I don’t have things go into me and weigh me down. I’m more like a filter. You know, speak to me and I’ll just pass it right on (to Jesus).


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