In Search of the Root Causes of Poverty – Testing a Theological Perspective in Development Dialogues

Others, Poverty , Relationships

Contributed by: Canadian Poverty Institute

Although there has been a significant improvement in terms of the quality of life for many South Africans since 1994, the reality for a significant portion of the population is still that of abject poverty. The South African government has made giant strides in terms of protecting the most vulnerable members of South African society through the Department of Social Development, the Department of Human Settlements, etc. The Church too, as a serious change-agent in civil society, continues to partner the government, the corporate world, and other institutions in helping to improve the quality of life for those who struggle with a daily poverty experience. In spite of the best efforts of many role-players, and the upward mobility of many people in the country, it would appear as though poverty is still a defining status for millions of South Africans.

Accordingly, this study by Jeremy Gregory Wyngaard seeks to investigate the critical need for understanding the importance of the root causes of poverty as opposed to simply considering the consequences of poverty. This study therefore aims to understand how the actions of individuals (poor and non-poor) and also economic, social and political systems contribute to either poverty, or poverty eradication. The methodological framework of the study is guided by the practical theological methodology of Robert Osmer and the correlational-hermeneutic approach proposed by Jurgen Hendriks.

Photo by Jamie Mink on Unsplash

Related Resources

In Search of Root Causes of Poverty

Academic study of the root causes of poverty
