The Importance of Meal Kits

Others, Community , Food

Contributed by: Gathering Markit

There are a growing number of families, individuals and seniors that are dependent on the Food Bank as their main source of groceries. Unfortunately, what most people do not realize, is that the Food Bank was designed to be an emergency service. That means that people may only use the service 1 x a month at which time they will receive enough food to last for 3 days. That leaves 27 days without access to food!

Gathering Mar-KIT will provide the space and opportunity, for those that need it the most, to purchase their food at a very reduced cost in a beautiful environment. Standing in a line to receive a handout that they have no choice or say in, robs people of their dignity.

As a parent who struggled to provide for my own children a number of years ago, I know first hand the importance of dignity around accessing food.

We have a partnership with Food Mesh, a food recovery organization that will assist us in sourcing the food that will be used in the meal kits and sold in the Mar-KIT.

The industrial kitchen provides us with the space and equipment required to make the kits as well as ready made meals. The kits are important for removing the burden of having to budget or meal plan. Those that have grown up in a low income family are not exposed to the lessons of budgeting and planning or the importance of healthy eating. Many healthy food options are just as foreign and become a barrier to living a healthy life that starts with healthy food.

By providing a meal kit, complete with all the ingredients as well as an easy to follow recipe, we remove that barrier.



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