Then & Now – Ayesha’s Story

God, Calling , Stories

Contributed by: UrbanPromise Toronto

Ayesha Madden grew up in Parkwoods Village, a Toronto Community Housing neighbourhood in Scarborough. As a young child Ayesha followed her big sister to After School Program, and she’s stuck around ever since. Now an accomplished young actress and fashion guru, Ayesha has recently started full-time work with us at Camp Hope. 


“Since I was eight years old, UrbanPromise Toronto has been a part of my life in a significant way. As a child and a teen I loved being involved with all the programs.

“In retrospect I can see that I enjoyed going because it wasn’t just an organization that provided fun times- it was an extended family. UPT provided me with job opportunities, mentors, and strong friendships. It also gave me the opportunity to learn how to mentor those younger than me – to be a ‘big sister’ to girls who needed someone to look up to. God used these experiences to fill in the gaps in my life, which in turn helped me become the person I am today.

“Recently I was walking through a very difficult season that forced me to re-evaluate my life and truly discover where God wanted me. After some time of deep reflection I was able to identify my passions for fashion, singing and acting. But even stronger than these things, is my passion for helping others. Since then God has provided me with opportunities to do all four of these things!

“Currently I design and sew prom dresses, I’m involved in a faith-based theatre group and I am a ministry supervisor with UPT. I am so thankful for everything that God is doing in my life. I know I have a tough road ahead but the one thing I have learned is that as long as I am following God I will always be fulfilled.

“If I could send one message to kids growing up in neighbourhoods like my childhood community it would be: never ever let your past or your socio-economic status negatively affect your future. Follow your dreams and trust that God has big plans in store for you.


Ayesha Madden is working as the ministry supervisor in the Warden Woods community.  Ayesha is a living example of our vision realized.