The Five Causes of Poverty—Part 4: Broken Systems
There are both internal and external causes of relational and material poverty. Systems are broken, and individuals are broken. [ read more ]
There are both internal and external causes of relational and material poverty. Systems are broken, and individuals are broken. [ read more ]
True or False? The story of change in the culture in which we live impacts our intestines. [ read more ]
How can we fight against destructive formative practices that would keep us stuck in stories of change that aren’t true and don’t work? [ read more ]
Poverty alleviation is fundamentally about transformation—about walking alongside people and communities who are materially poor [ read more ]
Poorly-thought-through short-term mission efforts can cause real harm and is a real issue with real-world consequences. [ read more ]
What are short-term missions practices that should be followed to protect and encourage missionaries and local ministries that teams want to support? [ read more ]
Spiritual growth is not a sudden jolt into greater maturity. Instead, it's the patient outworking of the Spirit of God in our lives. [ read more ]
Middle and upper-class people from Western cultural backgrounds are particularly ill-suited for the task of training people who are materially poor. [ read more ]