Church and City Partnerships Restore Dignity through Work
Shantel had come to a very difficult point in her life, living in her car with her four year-old child. [ read more ]
Shantel had come to a very difficult point in her life, living in her car with her four year-old child. [ read more ]
A few years ago, at a restaurant near Dallas, Texas, a young cashier with Down Syndrome told a customer, “I love my job! It’s who I am!” [ read more ]
The ultimate goal of poverty alleviation and development is restoration of people to all that God has created them to be. [ read more ]
Is your church called to help the materially poor in your community and around the world? [ read more ]
Caring for the materially poor is not an optional aspect of the Christian life, but there is no “one-size-fits-all” recipe. [ read more ]
If the local church is where God is at work in the world, then that means the local church has a key role to play in poverty alleviation. [ read more ]
Local churches are the key places God has established for this work of reconciliation to be carried out. [ read more ]
Leya was at first reluctant to join the savings group because she simply had no money to add to the fund. But she felt God calling her to try. [ read more ]